How to sing with confidence in public

Tips to face those fears and be prepared before you perform in public

Singing in public could be terrifying sometimes. What should you do when you are on a competition and you know you are the next to sing, but all of the sudden you get so nervous and your heart is pounding so quickly? Don’t worry, I’ve got some great tips to help you sing with confidence in public.

When you sing in public there is only around 3 minutes to enjoy this experience, so just do it! I know, it is easier said that done. But here are some tips that will help you feel less nervous, overcome your fears and just enjoy the moment.

Tip #1: Have a Mindset Preparation 

Your mindset before your performance can influence your presentation in public in such a strong way. Prepare your mind before hand and you will be many steps ahead! I promise you will feel a lot more confident even if you are still nervous.  Get this first thing done before performing. No matter if you have only a month, a couple weeks or a couple days before you sing in public. Think and know that you can sing beautifully. You got this singer!

Tip #2: Practice, practice, practice

After you have chosen your song, start practicing on a daily basis if possible. From every practice day, think about what you could have done better. Whether if it is your pitch, breathing technique, interaction with public, memorizing the lyrics, and even taking breaks. Find those areas to work on and keep perfecting them for your performance day.

Tip #3: Express

Many singers just stay standing in the same spot of the escenario, sometimes closing their eyes for the entire song, or having their eyes opened and expressing with hand movements. Other singers may find their way to express by letting all the energy out and running or walking in all the space they have on the stage. Some interact actively with the public, others do it through just looking at them, and others just let the “souls connect” through that peaceful but powerful performance.

Every singer expresses differently.  As you keep practicing and finding opportunities to sing in public you will discover your own way to express your emotions when you sing.

So when the day comes and you are there just waiting for your turn to sing, let your soul express through your singing and music. Enjoy every moment. You will see that this practice will help you leave the nerves behind.

Tip#4: Find a focal point to look at

This tip is for those beautiful singers souls that find themselves still nervous when they look at people as they are singing. First of all, remember you got this! And second, Find a place or object to look at, but not a person.

Once you have found the object that you will focus on just start singing. This is a pretty easy exercise. You will find that this will help you think less about the people that are looking at you and more about focusing on singing and enjoying it. That will help avoid thoughts like: Do I sound good for them? or What are they thinking about my voice? and some other questions that could even make you more nervous. So remember, if looking at the people makes you nervous, just find a focal point and sing with that beautiful voice you’ve got!

Tip #5: Keep on singing despite of the mistakes

A personal experience

I know mistakes happen. That just brings me back to a not very pleasant experience I had when I was probably around 13 years old. I had signed up for a singing competition and I was very excited to sing, but I was a little nervous as well. Back in those days we used to have the karaoke tracks in a CD.

I gave the CD to the person that was managing the music. I heard the music playing, I started to sing and yay! I was enjoying it. But… the track just went nuts and I found my self lost. I did not know what part of the lyrics I had to sing anymore. Let me tell you, it was just a mess.

I told the guy in charge to play it again (big mistake!). I was hoping that the music would play just fine and that in this second chance to sing I will do great. After all, this was my opportunity to sing and show myself and others that I could sing.

The second time was probably as bad as the first time or even worse. Turns out the disc was scratched and the tracks were damaged. And the sad truth is that, I just gave up. I do not remember finishing the song. 

That is why I stress so much on having the right mindset as a singer. If I would’ve been prepared mentally for these type of mistakes or situations, then I would have said to the guy: “Just turn down the music, I will just sing acapella!” And I would have sang with more confidence without letting the situation take control over me.

Trust me, that day I learned my lesson. But to give me some hope, after the competition was done, a girl approached me and said: “If you would have finished your song you probably would have won the competition. Your voice was beautiful” That touched my heart. I did not think I sang enough for someone to appreciate my voice, but I was grateful for this girl and her words.

What to do when mistakes happen as you perform

You may find yourself in a similar situation or making mistakes like not hitting the high note, or forgetting the lyrics, or singing on the wrong tempo. Remember, mistakes happen. Do not let those situations take the control of you and your performance, just take a deep mental or physical breath and keep singing, let your love for singing and music flow, and do your best. These experiences will teach you and you will become better and better at singing.

Tip #6: Enjoy 

As I said in the beginning, singing in public could be terrifying sometimes. But remember, you are behind the wheel. Make of every opportunity to sing in public enjoyable. This is your moment. Feel that energy that brings so much peace and happiness when you sing. Enjoy every minute before, during and after your performance, and the blessing to sing for other people. Take home the good things that you learn that day AND prepare for the next time you sing in public.

Nerves are normal when you are about to do something that is important to you. The trick is to be able to manage those nerves.

Now that you have read these powerful and simple tips, you are better prepared to sing with confidence. So sign up for that opportunity to sing in public, do not hesitate to do it. Prepare yourself and sing!

I know you will do just great!


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