Signs that you are singing from your throat

Girl singing from her throat
Are you wondering how to know if you are singing from your throat? Don’t miss out on these 3 signs that are telling you to stop hurting your voice.

As singers, taking care of our voice is one of our most important missions in life because our vocal chords are the musical instrument we have to perform. That is why it is important to pay attention to what could be hurting our voice. For that reason we will talk about 3 signs that your are singing from your throat.

If you are a begginer singer starting your journey and trying to take singing to the next level, or if you have been singing for a while but are not sure if you are singing correctly; these signs will help you recognize if you are singing from your throat, and what to do about it.

Sign  #1: Voice straining :

This is probably the most common sign when singing from the throat. Let us imagine that you are at your home singing your favorite song. This song of course has low and high notes that you want to reach just perfectly. All the sudden you feel that you are not gonna reach that higher note and that you are forcing it almost to the point that you are screaming just to get it out there and hopefully reach that note. Sounds familiar?

Oh boy! I know this happens to so many singers! If this is your situation, just take a step back, and do not get discouraged, this problem has a solution! Keep working on your technique; that includes warm ups, breathing exercises to support your air with your diaphragm, and taking the necessry pauses when you feel that you are straining your voice. You will see that stopping when your body is giving you a “red light” would be one of the best practices to do, don’t be too hard on yourself. Your vocal chords will thank you.

Practice until you feel that you are hitting those high notes almost as easy as heating the low notes. Singing does not have to be hard.

Sign #2: Throat hurts:

So lets imagine the same scenario. You are at home just singing your heart out! After you have sang a few songs you have the feeling that something is wrong with your throat and it just hurts!. Oh no! This is a sign that you should pay closely attention. Stop for a moment and let your vocal cords rest. Do not let this problem get bigger and bigger to the point that you may lose your voice. Take care of you and your vocal instrument.

Sign #3: Hard to be on pitch

When you sing from your throat there is not a good support of air from your diaphragm. This causes to have a harder time to be on pitch. If this happens to you, do not worry. With the right exercises and practice you will be able to maintain a strong support and sing with no difficulty. You will hit those notes with such easyness. I know that you will do great because you love to sing!

There you go singer! Now that you know the most commom signs of singing from your throat. I want to encourage you to don’t give up on your singing journey. Learning how to sing properly and avoiding these mistakes takes practice and constant effort. Remember that having the right mindset as a singer can play a huge role on solving vocal problems too. Think high of yourself, think that you can do this. Be patient your yourself and embrace your journey.

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